Thursday 25 June 2015

Missing bird in San Diego

If anyone can pass along this story/one of the photos of this missing parrot in San Diego on their respective social networks, I'd be forever grateful! Of course I understand if you can't, but if you do, a million thank yous in advance, along with my eternal love & gratitude. This is just one of those news stories that "hit me in the feels", or whatever.

Local man desperate to find his companion of 7 years, his 'therapy' eclectus parrot named Cherry. On June 9th, she was coming inside from her backyard enclosure when a crow flew at her and scared her off. So far the search in the Carmel Mountain Ranch area has turned up nothing. The reward is now up to $2,000.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

James Horner

I also wanted to post about James Horner. RIP. I am devastated to hear about his death. His music really shaped me in so many ways I can't even begin to explain. I really love the music for An American Tail and Titanic, but really, my absolute favourite (and that is an understatement) is The Land Before Time. I used to listen to that every single day while doing my homework in elementary school and still listen to it on weekly basis. That music didn't just inspire me with story ideas; it created them. It still does. The music just puts so many feelings and images into my head. I can't explain how it makes me feel. I'm so sad to hear that he's gone, I can't imagine what other great creations he could have offered us had he lived to grow old.

RIP, James Horner. You will be sadly, sadly missed. :(


While I hadn't been subbing much lately, I got to take over for the last 7 days of school, so that was great! Great for my wallet, less so for my sleeping habits (and sanity). Well, today was the last day of school, and summer vacation begins! The next time I step foot inside a school, it'll be in Toronto. Why Toronto? Because I am moving there! At the end of August, in fact. I'll miss Montreal so much there are no words, but we can't stay here forever. My husband & I chose careers that would allow us to travel, and our mutual, never-ending wanderlust is one of our many shared obsessions that drew us together. Life is much too short and the world is much too big to spend it all in one place. Being in my mid-thirties and living in the same city I was born in is already too much, I think. (For me! To each their own, of course.) So off we go.

Besides, we were supposed to be in Japan two years ago, and that didn't work out. So the very least we can do is at least change cities for now! I have no idea what to expect. I've never lived in another city, let alone another province. And Toronto is huuuuge. Like MEGA huge. Montreal is a fairly large city, but it's not a monster of an ever-sprawling, constantly-growing super-metropolis like Toronto is. I'm intimidated, but that emotion alone excites me. Besides, we all know how bad it is to stay in our comfort zones, right? ;)

So even though it's summer vacation, it's gonna be a busy one; apartment hunting, packing, and eventually moving. Let's do it!

5 years

After all these years, I still think EVERY DAY about what a luxury it is to walk around my own home in bare feet and feel the wooden floor b...