Thursday 2 January 2020

How has it been a year?!?

I've been reading Facebook Memories and....whaaaaat.

On this day last year, I was preparing to be admitted to the hospital the next day to start my first round of chemo.

I was thinking my life would be in upheaval for a few *months*. And here I am a year later---life's still not back to normal! It BLOWS my mind that it's been THAT long and I still haven't returned to normal life yet; I guess I hadn't been factoring in the transplant at the time.

Of COURSE it's fantastic I've come this far, etc etc gratitude disclaimer, but wtf--it's been a whole year of this eh?

Ah, I really miss people & downtown wandering.

Ohh, I'm really boggled by this passage of time.



Does not compute!!

5 years

After all these years, I still think EVERY DAY about what a luxury it is to walk around my own home in bare feet and feel the wooden floor b...