Sunday, 26 January 2014

It's getting better!

OK, I'm starting to get used to having monthly blood tests. At least I'm not as anxious as I was for the last one. It helps that I feel great these days! The past few weeks I've felt better than I've felt all year, both physically and mentally. I don't feel tired or run down or like I'm coming down with anything; I just feel healthy and pretty good overall, and not out of breath or anything like that. Plus, I think my body (and mind!) have finally gotten used to working. I've been working on call but almost full-time. It's fantastic! So not only does it help keep me occupied, but it seems to have helped me get used to the stress that is work. Good stuff all around.
That said, of course I'm not thrilled about my blood test tomorrow. I just want to get it over with. I'm still a bit nervous. I also hope I don't get called into room 3, because, well, I know this sounds silly, but I had a dream where I was hiding from my oncologist and a patient saw me and told me I wouldn't have to worry as long as I didn't get called into room 3. You see, at the hospital in the ODC where you get the blood tests done, you wait and then they call you into a room where you get your results. The rooms are numbered 1-18, so when your name gets called over the speaker they tell you which room to go into. Usually I get called into room 7. I think I even mentioned that in my dream.

For anyone reading this who thinks it's ridiculous to worry about that, well, I've had plenty of dreams that have actually happened, in extreme detail (I'm not talking vague crap here). I think everyone has. I can't stand it when people think dreams are meaningless because I'm living proof that's not true (as are many other folks). Just because YOU'RE boring and YOUR subconcious sucks and doesn't ever dream up things that happen in real life afterward doesn't mean that YOU have any clue what you're talking about when it comes to dreaming.

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Wicked Ranma

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