Saturday, 24 October 2015

Tales of Teaching, Tutoring, Toronto, & Trudeau

Toronto continues to be awesome. Employment, for me, not so much; I have a few hours a week teaching & tutoring (and I just got a couple of hours added, yay!), but it's nowhere near enough to pay the rent. Luckily Mike is making about 8 times what I make. Oh well. I just went for an interview in the wilds of Etobicoke, which despite its vastly different terrain, isn't that far to get to by public transit. I have a follow-up interview on Tuesday, so we'll see how that goes.

My dear sweet country has a new Prime Minister, so change is in the air. Although I didn't vote for Trudeau, and I am skeptical about him, I have to admit I'm starting to warm up to the guy. For many different reasons. Oh and hey. Did you know he's changing the law so that gay people can now donate blood? Oh wow. So all you assholes who refused to donate blood under the deeply misguided ~plan~ that it was some kind of "protest" against this old act, guess what? You can get your slacktavist asses off the couch and go give blood now. Though who am I kidding, you'll just find another excuse to not give blood. You clearly don't want to help us cancer patients for real. Although you'll claim that you do, because I've seen you folks change your profile pics on Facebook to comic book heroes to "raise awareness for childhood cancers" even though that doesn't mean a thing. You know what DOES mean something? Making a difference. You know what makes a difference? Donating blood or money to a cause. If you're not interested in helping out a cause, that's seriously, genuinely fine; we've all got lives to live, and there's so many causes out there, how do we choose which one to help? But don't say you actually care, and then pull this shit. Changing your profile pic, the most useless and lazy thing ever, but refusing to donate a penny or a drop of blood ~on principle~. Fuck you, seriously. I've defriended people over this, and it's better this way. Protesting by refusing to give blood. What kind of piece of shit do you have to be, to pull such a thing? There's so many ways to protest the harmful, homophobic act of banning gay people from donating blood, but doing so by refusing to donate blood? An act which only hurts innocent people? That's gotta be the most disturbing, disgusting, low-life thing I've heard in a long time.

Haha, this turned into a rant. And, true story: this is the edited, nice version of how I feel!

Wicked Ranma

 I had to unpublish my last post because it wouldn't format itself properly. Weird.  Anyway, just came here to say I'm loving the Ra...