Monday, 16 September 2013

A much better C-word (Comiccon!)

Comiccon was amazing! The Battlestar Galactica Q&A, meeting James Callis, dressing up as Yuffie, seeing other cosplayers and taking photos, browing the amazing & seemingly endless amount of geekdom merchanise, and running into so many awesome people I know...*happy sigh*. Here's the picture of my husband and me with James Callis. It looks like this as it's a picture of the picture. ;) They charge $10 for digital copies, so I was all, screwww that, I'm just gonna take pictures of this one (or scan it, if I so choose) and put it online for FREE. It already cost forty frackin' bucks just to take the pic in the first place, and we only met him for seriously like 4 seconds. So yeah, I'm gonna make the most of this picture and post it often and post it freely. :P Still, a GREAT way to spend $40 if you ask me-->and a much much much more memorable use of the money than spending it on some beers & shots, or supper at a restaurant or whatever.

While we were waiting in line to meet Mr. Callis, George Takei walked right by us! It was such an unexpected and exciting moment! Also, we saw Edward James Olmos chilling at his autograph stand, and Jason Momoa came out and waved at some girls standing in front of us who blew him kisses. It was soooo cute! A little later I accidentally wandered back where the guests go, not on purpose, and Jason Momoa walked right by me! Even though I'm not really big on Game of Thrones, I was pretty starstruck by seeing him there. I meam, c'mon. It's frackking KHAL DROGO. He is fiiiiiiiiiiiine. And I actually liked him & Danny. Ah well.

Ah, ahhh. The happy lil' Doctor Who section. Here I am getting cozy with a cut-out of Ten.  ;P

The husband up to no good with the Tardis...;)

Me holding up THE picture! XD

 The only bad thing was that I had chest pains for awhile, so we had sit down for a bit, but then after I ate a sandwitch they went away. I think the fact that I was so overexcited combined with the fact I barely ate nor slept may have had something to do with that. Hopefully that's all it is.

Speaking of all this "hopefully that's all it is" stuff, stupid Lupron. I hope it's just screwing around me and that's all what this bleeding's about. Tomorrow morning I have my first blood test and meeting with my oncologist & nurse in over a month. I was feeling soooo nervous about it earlier but I'm feeling better right now, now that it's late at night for some reason. It could just be the zopiclone having taken its effect, haha. But in all honesty, I started to feel calmer a few hours ago, so this is good. I feel fine physically, so I don't think that I really should have anything to worry about the blood test. The blood from my random period is a concern, though. Anyway, I guess I'll find out tomorrow. At least my appointment is the morning so I don't have to wait around all day.

Speaking of which, I should probably go to sleep...the zopiclone has kicked in pretty intensely now! lol. That, and it's pretty darn late. I just wanna get tomorrow morning over with. :/ I hope you enjoyed my post and its photos of Comiccon. I thought it would be a nice change from all the cancer talk. <3

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Wicked Ranma

 I had to unpublish my last post because it wouldn't format itself properly. Weird.  Anyway, just came here to say I'm loving the Ra...