Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Privacy, tranquility, and some sunlight!

I'm doing OK now, but the weekend before last I was so sick that I couldn't even sit up on my own and the ICU team had to come and assess me and they followed me for awhile. Glad I didn't have to end up in the ICU after all, but I got some nasty infections which led to me getting my own private room (where I still am now), which is pretty darn amazing. I have zero stress in here, no noise, and I can sleep peacefully. Also, I have a huge window (as opposed to a wall and a curtain) and not only do I get sunlight, but being up on the 15th floor, I have a pretty nice view of part of downtown Toronto.

It's like night & day compared to the tiny dark room I was sharing with a roommate beforehand, to the point that I genuinely feel that the expression "like night & day" doesn't quite cut it, and I should invent a new idiom to help explain how I feel.

I don't know how much longer I get to benefit from this privacy but I'm treasuring every moment it lasts. A person can actually,  ya know, RECOVER and HEAL in a room like this!

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Wicked Ranma

 I had to unpublish my last post because it wouldn't format itself properly. Weird.  Anyway, just came here to say I'm loving the Ra...