Monday, 29 July 2013

Mighty Morphine Power Ranger

I ended up back in the ER this past weekend with TERRIBLE abdominal pain--like, seriously, I couldn't even walk. They put me on a morphine drip while they ran tests to try to figure out what it was (they were worried it was my gallbladder) and OMG BEING ON MORPHINE ALL DAY WAS TOTALLY THE BEST THING EVER. Not only did the pain go away instantly, so I had that experience of going from excruciating pain to blissful peace, but I was SOOOOO HAPPY. It was such a happy feeling! But it made me SUPER-sleepy too, and to say I was 'out of it' is the understatement of the century. Omg, I was in and out of the most pleasant, goofy sleep ever all day long. They sent me for X-rays and an ultrasound and during the ultrasound I fell asleep and the poor technician had to wake me up...hahaha. I remember babbling to her about SOMETHING but who knows what it was! Also, I remember at one point I woke up in the X-ray/radiation hallway on the stretcher with my bags and thought, screw this, I've had enough of sleeping, I'm gonna read some manga! Yeeeeaah! So I sat up and started fishing through my bag looking for my Zelda manga and then all of the sudden--BOOM! Next thing I know, I was on my back again, staring up at the ceiling. I had LITERALLY fallen back asleep while looking through my bag. I was so surprised and amused. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before, not in my entire life!

In the evening I got more morphine and then benadryl as they gave me some blood transfusions, and I slept and I slept and I slept and I felt just so incredibly happy. The next day though, it was not so fun! The pain had completely gone away, so I didn't need any more morphine, so I was stone-cold sober in a tiny little isolation room in the ER and very uncomfortable--and I had a bad reaction to my last blood transfusion, a fever of 39.9! O_____O Luckily, they were able to give me some tylenol (I say 'luckily' as sometimes I'm not allowed depending on how they're monitoring my fevers and/or white blood cells, etc.) and my fever went down and I got a visit from one of my hemotologists and he said I was able to go home, soooo in the end I didn't have to stay TOO long the 2nd day and I was discharged by the mid-afternoon.

Oh, and the horrible abdominal pain? We never figured out what it was. Our mutual best guess is that it was a pulled muscle/charliehorse, a result from the horrible way I sit at my computer.

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Wicked Ranma

 I had to unpublish my last post because it wouldn't format itself properly. Weird.  Anyway, just came here to say I'm loving the Ra...