Monday, 4 March 2019

In limbo

Have I already written a post titled "in limbo"? It wouldn't surprise me, lol...

Anyway, still in limbo. Sooo tired of it. I didn't update after my last appointment at hematology but whatever. That was a week and a half ago. Basically they're still confused by my counts: red blood cells are coming back up (and platelets too, yay!) but my white blood cells are not really doing as good. They told me to come back in 2 weeks when they scheduled YET ANOTHER BONE MARROW TEST. I asked them why at this point they don't just do a biopsy, but they said they'd run into the same problems. OK, whatevs. In the meantime I had to return to the hospital for a blood transfusion but in the end I didn't even need one, but I did need to get some fluids because apparently I'm dehydrated.

I'm STILL not used to being bald. I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I'm like THE FUCK....oh yeah. 

I'm happy to be home but also bored of it. Last night I dreamt I was at a bar ordering red wine. Oh, how I wish I could! In the dream the folks I was with were like "um, shouldn't you NOT be drinking right now?" and I was like "yeah, probably not."

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Wicked Ranma

 I had to unpublish my last post because it wouldn't format itself properly. Weird.  Anyway, just came here to say I'm loving the Ra...