Wednesday, 16 October 2019


I'm finding myself on edge most of the time; I'm trying to relax with my favourite things, but it's hard. (I feel like I say that sentence a lot.) It's ups and downs with transplant recovery, but this was to be expected. It's scary though. The constant observing of every little thing my body does, jumping up at every ache and pain, wondering what to call my doctor or and what not to. A lot of GVHD symptoms (or symptoms of serious viruses) include very common, general-type symptoms, as well as being similar to side effects caused by the meds I take, so it's all so confusing and frustrating.

Speaking of virus, still waiting to hear back on the counts for the second virus. The first virus they were concerned about (a couple of weeks ago) is "behaving" and staying at bay,so at least that.

The two viruses I'm talking about are called CMV (Cytomegalovirus) and EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus). Apparently a lot of people have these in their bodies, but they rarely cause problems for healthy people. But if you're immune-suppressed, they can become "live" and cause a lot of problems. For those of us with weakened immune systems, they can be deadly. So it's very important to keep these things under control.

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