Friday, 11 October 2019

The ups & downs of my hospital clinic visits

Booo. Today's clinic visit wasn't as happy as some of the others; my virus counts are back up (a different virus from last time though), I have possible signs of a more dangerous type of GVHD, and I've now got new meds added to my roster. *long sigh through nose* Hopefully the virus counts go down, and hopefully the meds I'm starting will help, and hopefully these symptoms turn out not to be GVHD after all, because these could turn into some really serious issues--not to mention that trying to treat both at the same time is borderline contradictory.

It's complicated, but basically--in order to combat the virus, it would be best if I were being weaned off the immuno-suppressants so that my body can fight. But doing that could leave the door wide open for GVHD to come in with full force. Staying on immuno-suppresants is our best bet at keeping the GVHD at bay, but that means my body can't fight off a virus; we have to put all our hope on the meds. So you can see the dilemma here. As my doctor said, it's a lot of balancing back and forth. That's what a lot of post-transplant has felt like so far--a lot of balancing back and forth with meds and treatment. It never ends. I feel like I'm in good hands, though.

Anyway, on Tuesday we'll look at my latest counts re: the virus, and we'll see how I'm feeling re: the GVHD symptoms and see if the new meds help with that. Hopefully these issues will go away and I won't have bigger problems to deal with this time next week.

Yay, long weekend. (haha, just kidding about the "yay".)

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Wicked Ranma

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