This chemo was tough. Really tough. I got a bad fever and apparently was twitching from it, I was in and out...sleeping sucked, I'd sleep for twenty-minute intervals which felt three hours long each, while having icky bad trippy dreams I would only wish on murderers, child molesters, and Hitler. The chemo tired me out to the point that one day all I did was get up to go the bathroom and that was enough to give me trouble breathing, and send my heart rate up to 120-125 or something like that (it's usually around the 80s for me) and OMG, that was awful. It HURT. Having my heart slam against my ribcage like that....euuuurgghhhh. It felt like I was running up and down stairs as fast as I could while I was just lying in bed, ach what a sensation! Anyway, that was all crap. Chemo's done though and now they've just been keeping me for observation and antibiotics, and it turns out today that they need to give me 2 blood transfusions, so, wohoo! I'm gonna be bouncing off the walls later. I'm getting benadryl right now, so I'm going to be BUUUZZZZZZZZZED soon.
Having a roommate while going through chemo has's been awful. I feel SO MUCH GUILT typing that that I'm not even going to go into detail about it now; I'll wait until I get home for that (I'm getting discharged tomorrow, barring any infection or problem with my health or whatever). That's right, I feel so much shame in complaining about having a roommate (because she's off sooo much worse than me) that I can't even type about it when she's in the same room as me. How absurd is that.
Now that the complaining is out of the way, an AMAZING thing happened. While being stuck in here, I had to miss my favourite band, Muse, perform at the Bell Centre (Montreal's huge center for hockey and concerts). My husband and some friends of mine bought our tickets last fall and had been looking forward to going for a very long time, so I was heartbroken that I couldn't go. I gave my ticket to another one of my friends, told him to have fun, figured they'd tell me Muse's set list afterward, and that was that.
Little did any of us know, one of my friend's aunts was up to some kind of awesome. She contacted the band's manager to tell them about me. Well, lo and behold, they ended up dedicating a song at the concert to me. (Starlight, for those of you who are Muse fans.) That's right, Muse performed at the Bell Centre and dedicated a song (and one of their rather old-school extreme popular ones, too) to ME. Matthew Bellamy said MY NAME. And he said it correctly, which blows my mind, because most people do NOT pronounce it correctly the first time! To say I am in awe and totally shocked and grateful and happy and amazed by all this is the understatement of the century. I can't even explain how I feel. I think I need to invent a new words to explain how I feel. Actually, lol, FWIW, I've been telling people that I'm STARlight struck. ;P HAR HAR. Bad pun, I know.
Anyway, the night of the concert, I got a lot of texts and Facebook messages about that, lemme tell you! And the next did I wake up to a lot of messages and comments and general love from all my awesome friends. One of them even found a video of the moment (along with the whole song) on Youtube, so I got to experience it for myself.
I'm still absolutely beside myself with WTF in the best way possible. It's incredible, just absolutely and positively out of this world. And the night this happened, I slept soundly and had the happiest dream I remember having since being diagnosed with cancer. What a load of AWESOME. <3
"The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk."
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Wicked Ranma
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