Wednesday 3 April 2013

So yeah, remission...

So I'm home now, and omg is it ever weird. In both good and bad ways.

Yesterday morning I woke up in the hospital and my doctor came in and said they didn't have the biopsy results yet. Then he went, "Oh wait. Wait a second!" and ran out of the room, came back a minute later, and quickly said, "I made a mistake. We DO have the results, and you have less than 5 percent blasts, you're in remission, congratulations!"
My response involved a lot of swearing--I couldn't help it, I was so happy!
I believe my exact words were, "holy shit, are you fucking kidding me???????"
Btw, my mentioning my doctor's mistake is NOT my rolling my eyes at him or saying "look how stupid he is!". Quite the opposite! I love my doctors, particularly that one. He's a little goofy, and I mean that as a compliment. He's quite loveable.

Anyway, so I got discharged and I'm at home. I have an appointment with another doctor of mine on Monday and some blood tests, and then in a month I have to be re-admitted for my next round of chemo. I'm really disappointed about that, because originally I was told I was going to be a day patient for the chemo, but now I find out I'm going to readmitted so I'll basically be in the hospital for the same amount of time all over again. I'll be in and out of the hospital for the rest of the summer. Sigh. The good news is (and this is REALLY good news), I found out today that Mike got a theatre-related job in the city for the summer, which means he'll be around! He doesn't have to go to Ontario to work now! Originally he was going to have to, and that thought terrified me--of all people, I want my HUSBAND to be around when I'm going through cancer and chemo, ya know?!

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