Friday 29 March 2013

Biopsy time!

I'm finally feeling a LOT better physically. The fevers, the mouth sores, the dizzyness, the zoning out...they're all gone. I feel way better today. Except for the headaches and the pain in my back from the bone marrow extraction yesterday morning, though dilaudid helps take care of that.

Right, the bone marrow extraction. So that was done yesterday morning and they gave me ambien, which they told me to put under my tongue so that it would dissolve instantly. It did, which was really weird and tasted awful. They then gave me a shot of morphine, so I've now had all three opiates that I'm offered here as an AML patient in this hospital (codeine, dilaudid, and morphine). The extraction was done differently than last time, administered by different doctors who gave me different drugs. What pissed me off a lot was that I lay super, SUPER still, but every once in awhile, the doc would hit a part of bone that would make my body jerk forward--not because I wanted it to, but as a total reflex. And he kept reminded me not to move, to which I kept replying I couldn't help it, it was a reflex. Like a hammer hitting a knee. At one point he finally said, "Maybe we should just give you another shot of morph--" "YES!" I didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence and everyone in the room laughed. I got my second shot of morphine not even 2 minutes later and damn it felt good once it kicked it. But getting that shit injected into you? HOLY HELL. When the nurse was injecting it, she said, "it's going to burn, OK?" and I kind of scoffed, I was like, "Oh, this is nothing," to which she replied, "'s not finished yet." She took the needle out and I was like, "Oh, that wasn't so ba--aahhhHHHH OOOOOMG!", it felt like little sunburns in my veins! But I was laughing too, from being so cocky.
Anyway, the bone marrow extraction sucked (HAHA, pun not intended), actually I asked to see what my bone marrow looked like as Mike was here for the first one and he said it looked like mangled noodles, but I couldn't see as I was face down on the bed for that one. So they showed it to me and you know what it looked like? A little line. A straight little line. So boring! Oh well.

Anyway, they're gonna biopsy the shit outta that thing and give me the results on Tuesday. And so far ALL the doctors seem SUPER positive about it. They all come to see me all excited, saying, "Your white blood cells, they're back! You're doing good, you're looking good, eh? We wanna send you home next week!" And I'm just like "....well, assuming the results of the biopsy are good, right?" To which they always just say, "hmm, yeah!"
Do they know something I don't know? Why are they so super optimistic? They must have a reason to be; they've been doing this for awhile, they know what they're doing. Ahhh, I don't want them to get my hopes up for nothing! What do they know? In the words of the glorious Elaine Benes from Seinfeld, tell me! Telllll meeeeeee!!!!

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